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profesor w jednostce Wydział Ekonomiczno-Socjologiczny

prof. dr hab.
Ryszard Piasecki
Zaloguj się, aby zobaczyć więcej.
Podstawowe informacje o użytkowniku
Terminy konsultacji dla studentów
Terminy konsultacji są dostępne na stronie https://www.uni.lodz.pl/pracownicy/ryszard-piasecki
Staff consultation available on the website https://www.uni.lodz.pl/pracownicy/ryszard-piasecki
Rozwój gospodarczy, stosunki międzynarodowe, globalizacja
Koordynowane przedmioty
Z-16/17 - BA Research Project 0600-ERASM328
Z-16/17 - Development Economics 0600-ECEE3C
Z-16/17 - European Integration and Eurozone 0600-WO125B
Z-16/17 - International Economics 0600-ECIE1C
Z-16/17 - MA Research Project 0600-ERASM329
L-16/17 - Development Economics 1300-D2P0032
L-16/17 - European Integration 1300-D1P0072
L-16/17 - European Integration (project) 1300-E1P0072
L-16/17 - Globalisation and Economic Development 0600-EK521B
L-16/17 - Issues in the Information Society in Brazil 0600-SUMMER23
L-16/17 - Master's Seminar 0600-PIARJA2C
L-16/17 - Mexico in the Context of Globalization 0600-SUMMER24
L-16/17 - Seminarium magisterskie 0600-PIAR2C
L-16/17 - The New World Economic Order 0600-SUMMER25
16/17 - Seminarium doktorskie 0600-PIAR2DE
16/17 - Seminarium doktorskie 0600-PIAR2ZE
16/17 - Seminarium doktorskie 0600-PIAR3DE
16/17 - Seminarium doktorskie 0600-PIAR4DE
Z-17/18 - International Economics 0600-ECIE1C
Z-17/18 - Master's Seminar 0600-PIARJA3C
Z-17/18 - Seminarium magisterskie 0600-PIAR3C
L-17/18 - Development Economics 1300-D2P0032
L-17/18 - Development Economics (project) 1300-E2P0032
L-17/18 - European Integration 1300-D1P0072
L-17/18 - European Integration (project) 1300-E1P0072
L-17/18 - Globalisation and Development 0600-EWO261B
L-17/18 - Globalisation and Development 0600-JABL13
L-17/18 - Globalisation and Development 0600-WO261B
L-17/18 - Master's Seminar 0600-PIARJA2C
L-17/18 - Master's Seminar 0600-PIARJA4C
L-17/18 - Seminarium magisterskie 0600-PIAR4C
17/18 - Seminarium doktorskie 0600-PIAR1DE
17/18 - Seminarium doktorskie 0600-PIAR1ZE
17/18 - Seminarium doktorskie 0600-PIAR3DE
17/18 - Seminarium doktorskie 0600-PIAR3ZE
17/18 - Seminarium doktorskie 0600-PIAR4DE
Z-18/19 - Bachelor's Seminar 0600-PIARJA5B
Z-18/19 - International Economics 0600-ECIE1C
Z-18/19 - Master's Seminar 0600-PIARJA3C
L-18/19 - Bachelor's Seminar 0600-PIARJA6B
L-18/19 - Master's Seminar 0600-PIARJA2C
L-18/19 - Master's Seminar 0600-PIARJA4C
L-18/19 - Seminarium magisterskie 0600-PIAR4C
L-18/19 - The Contemporary Society Under Transformation: Important Issues of Brazil and the World 0600-SUMMER32
18/19 - Seminarium doktorskie 0600-PIAR2DE
18/19 - Seminarium doktorskie 0600-PIAR2ZE
Z-19/20 - Development Economics 0600-EAER1C
Z-19/20 - Luxury Management - Intake 1 - promotion 2019 0600-SUMMER34
Z-19/20 - Master's Seminar 0600-PIARJA3C
Z-19/20 - Seminarium licencjackie 0600-PIAR5B
Z-19/20 - The Contemporary Society Under Transformation: Important Issues of Brazil and the World 0600-SUMMER32
L-19/20 - Bachelor's Seminar 0600-PIARJA6B
L-19/20 - Master's Seminar 0600-PIARJA4C
L-19/20 - Seminarium licencjackie 0600-PIAR6B
19/20 - Praktyka dydaktyczna 0600-PDRPI
19/20 - Seminarium doktorskie 0600-PIAR3DE
19/20 - Seminarium doktorskie 0600-PIAR3ZE
Z-20/21 - Development Economics 0600-EAER1C
Z-20/21 - Kathmandu Summer School. Nepal in Transition 0600-SUMMER36
Z-20/21 - Undergraduate Thesis Seminar 0600-PIAREA5B
L-20/21 - Undergraduate Thesis Seminar 0600-PIAREA6B
20/21 - Praktyka dydaktyczna 0600-PDRPI
20/21 - Seminarium doktorskie 0600-PIAR4DE
Z-21/22 - 16th EkSoc International Summer School - Fair development principles in times of prosperity and in times of crisis 0600-SUMMER40
Z-21/22 - Development Economics 0600-EAER1C
Z-21/22 - Seminarium licencjackie 0600-PIAR5B
Z-21/22 - Undergraduate Thesis Seminar 0600-PIAREA5B
L-21/22 - 17th EkSoc International Summer School - Social and ecomonic aspects of the national and global health changes 0600-SUMMER41
L-21/22 - Contemporary Society in Transformation - Important Issues in Brazil and in the World 0600-SUMMER38
L-21/22 - Graduate Thesis Seminar 0600-PIAREA2C
L-21/22 - Seminarium licencjackie 0600-PIAR6B
L-21/22 - Undergraduate Thesis Seminar 0600-PIAREA6B
Z-22/23 - Contemporary Society in Transformation - Important Issues in Brazil and in the World 0600-SUMMER38
Z-22/23 - Development Economics 0600-EAER1C
Z-22/23 - Graduate Thesis Seminar 0600-PIAREA3C
L-22/23 - Contemporary Society in Transformation - Important Issues in Brazil and in the World 0600-SUMMER38
L-22/23 - Graduate Thesis Seminar 0600-PIAREA2C
L-22/23 - Graduate Thesis Seminar 0600-PIAREA4C
L-22/23 - Seminarium licencjackie 0600-PIAR6B
Z-23/24 - CSR in International Business 0600-EABO5B
Z-23/24 - Development Economics 0600-EAER1C
Z-23/24 - Graduate Thesis Seminar 0600-PIAREA3C
Z-23/24 - Seminarium magisterskie 0600-PIAR3C
L-23/24 - Graduate Thesis Seminar 0600-PIAREA2C
L-23/24 - Graduate Thesis Seminar 0600-PIAREA4C
L-23/24 - Seminarium magisterskie 0600-PIAR4C
Z-24/25 - CSR in International Business 0600-EABO5B
Z-24/25 - Development Economics 0600-EAER1C
Z-24/25 - Graduate Thesis Seminar 0600-PIAREA3C
Z-24/25 - Seminarium magisterskie 0600-PIAR3C
L-24/25 - Graduate Thesis Seminar 0600-PIAREA4C
L-24/25 - Seminarium magisterskie 0600-PIAR4C
Prowadzone przedmioty
Z-17/18 - The Regional Development, the Revitalization and Healthy Cities 0600-SUMMER26:
Wykład (grupa 1)
L-17/18 - Social Entrepreneurship and Fair Trade as sources of country development 0600-SUMMER29:
Wykład (grupa 1)
L-17/18 - The Brazilian Society Under Transformation: Important Issues 0600-SUMMER28:
Wykład (grupa 1)
L-18/19 - The Contemporary Society Under Transformation: Important Issues of Brazil and the World 0600-SUMMER32:
Wykład (grupa 1)
Z-19/20 - The Contemporary Society Under Transformation: Important Issues of Brazil and the World 0600-SUMMER32:
Wykład (grupa 1)
20/21 - Problemy współczesnego świata z perspektywy nauk społecznych 0000-DSK004:
Konwersatorium (grupa 1)
Z-21/22 - 16th EkSoc International Summer School - Fair development principles in times of prosperity and in times of crisis 0600-SUMMER40:
Wykład (grupa 1)
L-21/22 - 17th EkSoc International Summer School - Social and ecomonic aspects of the national and global health changes 0600-SUMMER41:
Wykład (grupa 1)
L-21/22 - Contemporary Society in Transformation - Important Issues in Brazil and in the World 0600-SUMMER38:
Wykład (grupa 1)
L-21/22 - Cultural Aspects in International Business 0600-EABU4C:
Ćwiczenia konwersatoryjne (grupa 1)
Z-22/23 - Contemporary Society in Transformation - Important Issues in Brazil and in the World 0600-SUMMER38:
Wykład (grupa 1)