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Prowadzone przedmioty
Z-17/18 - Intersectionality and Audience Analysis in the Feminist Classroom, Part 2 1300-A530VGm:
Ćwiczenia konwersatoryjne (grupa 1)
L-17/18 - Intersectionality and Audience Analysis in the Feminist Classroom, Part 1 1300-A554VGm:
Ćwiczenia konwersatoryjne (grupa 1)
Z-18/19 - Intersectionality and Audience Analysis in the Feminist Classroom, Part 2 1300-A530VGm:
Ćwiczenia konwersatoryjne (grupa 1)
L-18/19 - Intersectionality and Audience Analysis in the Feminist Classroom, Part 1 1300-A554VGm:
Ćwiczenia konwersatoryjne (grupa 1)
Z-19/20 - Intersectionality and Audience Analysis in the Feminist Classroom, Part 2 1300-A530VGm:
Ćwiczenia konwersatoryjne (grupa 1)
Z-19/20 - The Body in the Feminist Theory and Practice 1300-A228VGm:
Ćwiczenia konwersatoryjne (grupa 1)
L-19/20 - Intersectionality and Audience Analysis in the Feminist Classroom, Part 1 1300-D2P0181:
Ćwiczenia konwersatoryjne (grupa 1)
Z-20/21 - Intersectionality and Audience Analysis in the Feminist Classroom, Part 2 1300-D2P0182:
Ćwiczenia konwersatoryjne (grupa 1)
L-20/21 - Intersectionality and Audience Analysis in Feminist Classroom Part 1 0100-MGEM10:
Ćwiczenia konwersatoryjne (grupa 1)
Z-21/22 - Intersectionality and Audience Analysis in Feminist Classroom Part 2 0100-MGEM17:
Ćwiczenia konwersatoryjne (grupa 1)
L-21/22 - Intersectionality and Audience Analysis in Feminist Classroom Part 1 0100-MGEM10:
Ćwiczenia konwersatoryjne (grupa 1)
L-21/22 - Intersectionality and Audience Analysis in the Feminist Classroom 0100-ERAL827:
Ćwiczenia konwersatoryjne (grupa 1)
Z-22/23 - Feminist Methodologies: Recent Tendencies 0100-MGEM02:
Ćwiczenia konwersatoryjne (grupa 1), Egzamin (grupa 1)
Z-22/23 - Intersectionality and Audience Analysis in Feminist Classroom Part 2 0100-MGEM17:
Ćwiczenia konwersatoryjne (grupa 1), Egzamin (grupa 1)