UNIWERSYTET ŁÓDZKI - Centralny System Uwierzytelniania
Strona główna

Project Management with The Use of IT Tools

Informacje ogólne

Kod przedmiotu: 0800-MFPWAN
Kod Erasmus / ISCED: (brak danych) / (brak danych)
Nazwa przedmiotu: Project Management with The Use of IT Tools
Jednostka: Wydział Zarządzania
Punkty ECTS i inne: 0 LUB 6.00 LUB 9.00 (zmienne w czasie) Podstawowe informacje o zasadach przyporządkowania punktów ECTS:
  • roczny wymiar godzinowy nakładu pracy studenta konieczny do osiągnięcia zakładanych efektów uczenia się dla danego etapu studiów wynosi 1500-1800 h, co odpowiada 60 ECTS;
  • tygodniowy wymiar godzinowy nakładu pracy studenta wynosi 45 h;
  • 1 punkt ECTS odpowiada 25-30 godzinom pracy studenta potrzebnej do osiągnięcia zakładanych efektów uczenia się;
  • tygodniowy nakład pracy studenta konieczny do osiągnięcia zakładanych efektów uczenia się pozwala uzyskać 1,5 ECTS;
  • nakład pracy potrzebny do zaliczenia przedmiotu, któremu przypisano 3 ECTS, stanowi 10% semestralnego obciążenia studenta.

zobacz reguły punktacji
Język prowadzenia: angielski
Forma studiów:


Wymagania wstępne:

Lab work during this course should be done in groups of a maximum number of 18 people.

Skrócony opis:

The aim of this course is to learn specifics of projects, to identify the project management as one of the most effective approaches for carrying out the changes to the organizations of various kinds, and to encourage to the use of appropriately selected IT tools of project management.

Pełny opis:

The aim of this course is to learn specifics of projects, to identify the project management as one of the most effective approaches for carrying out the changes to the organizations of various kinds, and to encourage to the use of appropriately selected IT tools of project management.

Efekty uczenia się:


•has knowledge of the nature of the social sciences, particularly in the field of project management, taking into account the specific of projects and their implementation in the organizations of various kinds (08B-1P_W01)

•has a basic understanding of the relationship and processes between corporations and other organizations in their environment particularly during the process of project management; has knowledge of social relations which are used to manage projects, knows different project organizational structures, the rules of their efficient building and is able to select the structure best suited to the realities of a particular project (08B-1P_W03; 08B-1P_W04)

•has deepened knowledge of the instruments (methodologies, methods, techniques and specific tools) applicable to sciences about management and finance, enabling efficient and effective management of projects (08B-1P_W05; 08B-1P_W06; 08B-1P_W13)

•has deepened knowledge of how to perform complex changes by setting up projects (08B-1P_W08)


•the student is able to transfer gained knowledge to the practice of project management (08B-1P_U01; 08B-1P_U02; 08B-1P_U06; 08B-1P_U07)

•the student is able to analyze selected economic phenomena in the context of project planning and management (08B-1P_U03)

•has the skills necessary to implement the principle of learning throughout life by complementing and improving their knowledge and skills (08B-1P_U08)

•knows how to prepare typical written work and requiring deepened knowledge in the substantive scope appropriate for project management (08B-1P_U09)

•the student has the ability to speeches in content specific to project management (08B-1P_U10)

Kompetencje społeczne

•understands the principle of the need for learning throughout life and is focused for its realization (08B-1P_K01)

•can interact and work in a group, taking the different roles in it, is also able to appropriately engage in team work, taking into account and understanding the specifics of its functioning (08B-1P_K02)

•can properly determine the priorities for the project and assign tasks to team members (08B-1P_K03)

•is able to use the techniques, methods and tools of project management to support corporate management (08B-1P_K06)

•can think and act in an entrepreneurial way, is focused on the implementation of project management within the corporate structure (08B-1P_K07)

Zajęcia w cyklu "Semestr letni 2023/2024" (w trakcie)

Okres: 2024-02-26 - 2024-09-30
Wybrany podział planu:
Przejdź do planu
Typ zajęć: (brak danych)
Koordynatorzy: (brak danych)
Prowadzący grup: (brak danych)
Lista studentów: (nie masz dostępu)
Zaliczenie: Ocena zgodna z regulaminem studiów
Informacje dodatkowe:

The main emphasis will be placed on scheduling and its transformation into a complete plan that allows the designation of the budget and the gradual preparation of the required documents. Prepared plans will be reviewed in the implementation phase of the project. Traditional instruments of management and such that is built-in professional informatics system and freeware software will be used during team work on projects.

Metody dydaktyczne:

Wykład kursowy

Metody eksponujące | Pokaz

Metody podające | Wykład informacyjny

Metody podające | Wykład konwersatoryjny

Metody podające | Wykład problemowy

Ćwiczenia informatyczne

Metody eksponujące | Pokaz

Metody poszukujące | Dyskusja punktowana

Metody poszukujące | Metoda ćwiczeniowa

Metody poszukujące | Metoda projektu

Sposoby i kryteria oceniania:


jest ustalana zgodnie z algorytmem:

Ocena z formy: "Wykład kursowy" ocena * 40.00 %

+ Ocena z formy: "Ćwiczenia informatyczne" ocena * 60.00 %

Dodatkowe warunki zaliczenia przedmiotu:

In case of failing (multiply test or lab practical) must be retaken in 3 weeks time.

Active participation and presence at all class meetings (also lectures) is expected.

Required attendance at all labs. It is allowed to have only 1 unexcused absence during labs. All unattended labs must be made up for in the manner agreed upon with the tutor.

The tutor/lecturer can decline the passing of the subject in case of absences exceeded 50% of all classes in the term.

Ocena z formy "Wykład kursowy" ustalana jest w oparciu o wyniki nastepujących składników zaliczenia:

Test / quiz - 100.00%

Ocena z formy "Wykład kursowy" ustalana jest na podstawie następującej skali:

Poniżej 50.00% - ocena 2

50.00% i więcej - ocena 3

60.00% i więcej - ocena 3,5

70.00% i więcej - ocena 4

80.00% i więcej - ocena 4,5

90.00% i więcej - ocena 5

Dodatkowe warunki zaliczenia formy:

Obtaining at least 50% of the total points possible to gain during the test determines the positive assessment of the lecture.

Ocena z formy "Ćwiczenia informatyczne" ustalana jest w oparciu o wyniki nastepujących składników zaliczenia:

Zadanie / zadania praktyczne - 70.00%

Projekt / Studium przypadku - 25.00%

Prezentacja - 5.00%

Ocena z formy "Ćwiczenia informatyczne" ustalana jest na podstawie następującej skali:

Poniżej 50.00% - ocena 2

50.00% i więcej - ocena 3

60.00% i więcej - ocena 3,5

70.00% i więcej - ocena 4

80.00% i więcej - ocena 4,5

90.00% i więcej - ocena 5

Dodatkowe warunki zaliczenia formy:

Laboratory grade consist of the following components:

- 70% - grade from the practical task (correct management of the project prepared by the leading classes; writing work in Microsoft Project Professional - specialist software supporting project management) during which students manage scope, time and cost in project prepared by the lecturer; 50% of the total points possible to gain is the minimum qualifying this task,

- 25% - students are expected to prepare one additional projects during term. Project grade is calculated on the basis of supplied project documentation and the presentation,

- 5% - grade from the presentation (the scale scores for presentation - from 3 to 5 points, identified with grades from 3 to 5) of elaborated project (prepared outside of working hours for the lab in students project teams).

Treści kształcenia:

Wykład kursowy

Management by projects. The projects and their specificity. The phases and trends in the life cycle of the project. The main areas of activity in the project. The relationship between finance and project approach in carrying out changes

The complexity of the projects. Managing individual projects and multi-project environment. Project portfolio management and program management. Project management as a profession and international cooperation in project management

Scope and time management. Schedule and project plan. Critical Path Method and Critical Chain Method

Costs and finance of the project. Project control with the use of Earned Value Method

Project organizational structure and various communication structures between people in the project team

Project management methodologies (PMBOK methodology, PRINCE2 methodology). Maturity of methodologies specialized in project management. Increasing maturity in project management

Ćwiczenia informatyczne

Work preceding the establishment of the project (the main objective of the project specifying, feasibility study connected with risk analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis, preparation of documents that start the project, such as the Specification of Critical Resources, Realization of Project Strategy Sheet, Project Order Sheet)

Start phase and managing the scope of project work in Ms Project Professional 2010

Continuing work on the project plan in the phase of structuring and management of the project duration (schedules, Gantt charts, and PERT network analysis, Critical Path and Critical Chain Method)

Project Resource Management (defining human, material and financial resources necessary to carry out project work, resource reservations for the project)

Transforming project schedule into plan by the allocation of resources to work and project cost management

Solving problems of overloaded resources and saving baseline plan

Work on the project during the implementation and completion phase (breakdown of project work into tasks completed, in progress and in the future, analysis of variances in time and costs between the actual execution of tasks and baseline plan); reports of periodic project assessment and the final report of the project

Custom work on the project (creating a user views, adding new columns to existing tables, adding columns with custom fields, the calculation in the columns with custom fields; exchange project data with other applications in order to perform more advanced calculations)

Working with multiple projects (creating a pool of resources for use in other projects; combining the tasks of different projects; building relationships between projects; creating a portfolio of projects

Work on project with the use of freeware e software OpenProj, GanttProject, Tutos


Literatura podstawowa

Chatfield C., Johnson T.: Microsoft Project 2010 Step by Step, Microsoft, 2010

A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) Fifth Edition, Project Management Institute, 2013

Berkun S.: Making Things Happen: Mastering Project Management (Theory in Practice), O’Reilly, 2008

Literatura dodatkowa

Gray C. F., Larson E. W.: Project management the managerial process, Irwin McGraw-Hill, 2006

Zajęcia w cyklu "Semestr letni 2022/2023" (zakończony)

Okres: 2023-02-20 - 2023-09-30
Wybrany podział planu:
Przejdź do planu
Typ zajęć: (brak danych)
Koordynatorzy: (brak danych)
Prowadzący grup: (brak danych)
Lista studentów: (nie masz dostępu)
Zaliczenie: Ocena zgodna z regulaminem studiów
Informacje dodatkowe:

The main emphasis will be placed on scheduling and its transformation into a complete plan that allows the designation of the budget and the gradual preparation of the required documents. Prepared plans will be reviewed in the implementation phase of the project. Traditional instruments of management and such that is built-in professional informatics system and freeware software will be used during team work on projects.

Metody dydaktyczne:

Wykład kursowy

Metody eksponujące | Pokaz

Metody podające | Wykład informacyjny

Metody podające | Wykład konwersatoryjny

Metody podające | Wykład problemowy

Ćwiczenia informatyczne

Metody eksponujące | Pokaz

Metody poszukujące | Dyskusja punktowana

Metody poszukujące | Metoda ćwiczeniowa

Metody poszukujące | Metoda projektu

Sposoby i kryteria oceniania:


jest ustalana zgodnie z algorytmem:

Ocena z formy: "Wykład kursowy" ocena * 40.00 %

+ Ocena z formy: "Ćwiczenia informatyczne" ocena * 60.00 %

Dodatkowe warunki zaliczenia przedmiotu:

In case of failing (multiply test or lab practical) must be retaken in 3 weeks time.

Active participation and presence at all class meetings (also lectures) is expected.

Required attendance at all labs. It is allowed to have only 1 unexcused absence during labs. All unattended labs must be made up for in the manner agreed upon with the tutor.

The tutor/lecturer can decline the passing of the subject in case of absences exceeded 50% of all classes in the term.

Ocena z formy "Wykład kursowy" ustalana jest w oparciu o wyniki nastepujących składników zaliczenia:

Test / quiz - 100.00%

Ocena z formy "Wykład kursowy" ustalana jest na podstawie następującej skali:

Poniżej 50.00% - ocena 2

50.00% i więcej - ocena 3

60.00% i więcej - ocena 3,5

70.00% i więcej - ocena 4

80.00% i więcej - ocena 4,5

90.00% i więcej - ocena 5

Dodatkowe warunki zaliczenia formy:

Obtaining at least 50% of the total points possible to gain during the test determines the positive assessment of the lecture.

Ocena z formy "Ćwiczenia informatyczne" ustalana jest w oparciu o wyniki nastepujących składników zaliczenia:

Zadanie / zadania praktyczne - 70.00%

Projekt / Studium przypadku - 25.00%

Prezentacja - 5.00%

Ocena z formy "Ćwiczenia informatyczne" ustalana jest na podstawie następującej skali:

Poniżej 50.00% - ocena 2

50.00% i więcej - ocena 3

60.00% i więcej - ocena 3,5

70.00% i więcej - ocena 4

80.00% i więcej - ocena 4,5

90.00% i więcej - ocena 5

Dodatkowe warunki zaliczenia formy:

Laboratory grade consist of the following components:

- 70% - grade from the practical task (correct management of the project prepared by the leading classes; writing work in Microsoft Project Professional - specialist software supporting project management) during which students manage scope, time and cost in project prepared by the lecturer; 50% of the total points possible to gain is the minimum qualifying this task,

- 25% - students are expected to prepare one additional projects during term. Project grade is calculated on the basis of supplied project documentation and the presentation,

- 5% - grade from the presentation (the scale scores for presentation - from 3 to 5 points, identified with grades from 3 to 5) of elaborated project (prepared outside of working hours for the lab in students project teams).

Treści kształcenia:

Wykład kursowy

Management by projects. The projects and their specificity. The phases and trends in the life cycle of the project. The main areas of activity in the project. The relationship between finance and project approach in carrying out changes

The complexity of the projects. Managing individual projects and multi-project environment. Project portfolio management and program management. Project management as a profession and international cooperation in project management

Scope and time management. Schedule and project plan. Critical Path Method and Critical Chain Method

Costs and finance of the project. Project control with the use of Earned Value Method

Project organizational structure and various communication structures between people in the project team

Project management methodologies (PMBOK methodology, PRINCE2 methodology). Maturity of methodologies specialized in project management. Increasing maturity in project management

Ćwiczenia informatyczne

Work preceding the establishment of the project (the main objective of the project specifying, feasibility study connected with risk analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis, preparation of documents that start the project, such as the Specification of Critical Resources, Realization of Project Strategy Sheet, Project Order Sheet)

Start phase and managing the scope of project work in Ms Project Professional 2010

Continuing work on the project plan in the phase of structuring and management of the project duration (schedules, Gantt charts, and PERT network analysis, Critical Path and Critical Chain Method)

Project Resource Management (defining human, material and financial resources necessary to carry out project work, resource reservations for the project)

Transforming project schedule into plan by the allocation of resources to work and project cost management

Solving problems of overloaded resources and saving baseline plan

Work on the project during the implementation and completion phase (breakdown of project work into tasks completed, in progress and in the future, analysis of variances in time and costs between the actual execution of tasks and baseline plan); reports of periodic project assessment and the final report of the project

Custom work on the project (creating a user views, adding new columns to existing tables, adding columns with custom fields, the calculation in the columns with custom fields; exchange project data with other applications in order to perform more advanced calculations)

Working with multiple projects (creating a pool of resources for use in other projects; combining the tasks of different projects; building relationships between projects; creating a portfolio of projects

Work on project with the use of freeware e software OpenProj, GanttProject, Tutos


Literatura podstawowa

Chatfield C., Johnson T.: Microsoft Project 2010 Step by Step, Microsoft, 2010

A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) Fifth Edition, Project Management Institute, 2013

Berkun S.: Making Things Happen: Mastering Project Management (Theory in Practice), O’Reilly, 2008

Literatura dodatkowa

Gray C. F., Larson E. W.: Project management the managerial process, Irwin McGraw-Hill, 2006

Zajęcia w cyklu "Semestr letni 2021/2022" (zakończony)

Okres: 2022-02-21 - 2022-09-30
Wybrany podział planu:
Przejdź do planu
Typ zajęć: (brak danych)
Koordynatorzy: (brak danych)
Prowadzący grup: (brak danych)
Lista studentów: (nie masz dostępu)
Zaliczenie: Ocena zgodna z regulaminem studiów
Informacje dodatkowe:

The main emphasis will be placed on scheduling and its transformation into a complete plan that allows the designation of the budget and the gradual preparation of the required documents. Prepared plans will be reviewed in the implementation phase of the project. Traditional instruments of management and such that is built-in professional informatics system and freeware software will be used during team work on projects.

Metody dydaktyczne:

Wykład kursowy

Metody eksponujące | Pokaz

Metody podające | Wykład informacyjny

Metody podające | Wykład konwersatoryjny

Metody podające | Wykład problemowy

Ćwiczenia informatyczne

Metody eksponujące | Pokaz

Metody poszukujące | Dyskusja punktowana

Metody poszukujące | Metoda ćwiczeniowa

Metody poszukujące | Metoda projektu

Sposoby i kryteria oceniania:


jest ustalana zgodnie z algorytmem:

Ocena z formy: "Wykład kursowy" ocena * 40.00 %

+ Ocena z formy: "Ćwiczenia informatyczne" ocena * 60.00 %

Dodatkowe warunki zaliczenia przedmiotu:

In case of failing (multiply test or lab practical) must be retaken in 3 weeks time.

Active participation and presence at all class meetings (also lectures) is expected.

Required attendance at all labs. It is allowed to have only 1 unexcused absence during labs. All unattended labs must be made up for in the manner agreed upon with the tutor.

The tutor/lecturer can decline the passing of the subject in case of absences exceeded 50% of all classes in the term.

Ocena z formy "Wykład kursowy" ustalana jest w oparciu o wyniki nastepujących składników zaliczenia:

Test / quiz - 100.00%

Ocena z formy "Wykład kursowy" ustalana jest na podstawie następującej skali:

Poniżej 50.00% - ocena 2

50.00% i więcej - ocena 3

60.00% i więcej - ocena 3,5

70.00% i więcej - ocena 4

80.00% i więcej - ocena 4,5

90.00% i więcej - ocena 5

Dodatkowe warunki zaliczenia formy:

Obtaining at least 50% of the total points possible to gain during the test determines the positive assessment of the lecture.

Ocena z formy "Ćwiczenia informatyczne" ustalana jest w oparciu o wyniki nastepujących składników zaliczenia:

Zadanie / zadania praktyczne - 70.00%

Projekt / Studium przypadku - 25.00%

Prezentacja - 5.00%

Ocena z formy "Ćwiczenia informatyczne" ustalana jest na podstawie następującej skali:

Poniżej 50.00% - ocena 2

50.00% i więcej - ocena 3

60.00% i więcej - ocena 3,5

70.00% i więcej - ocena 4

80.00% i więcej - ocena 4,5

90.00% i więcej - ocena 5

Dodatkowe warunki zaliczenia formy:

Laboratory grade consist of the following components:

- 70% - grade from the practical task (correct management of the project prepared by the leading classes; writing work in Microsoft Project Professional - specialist software supporting project management) during which students manage scope, time and cost in project prepared by the lecturer; 50% of the total points possible to gain is the minimum qualifying this task,

- 25% - students are expected to prepare one additional projects during term. Project grade is calculated on the basis of supplied project documentation and the presentation,

- 5% - grade from the presentation (the scale scores for presentation - from 3 to 5 points, identified with grades from 3 to 5) of elaborated project (prepared outside of working hours for the lab in students project teams).

Treści kształcenia:

Wykład kursowy

Management by projects. The projects and their specificity. The phases and trends in the life cycle of the project. The main areas of activity in the project. The relationship between finance and project approach in carrying out changes

The complexity of the projects. Managing individual projects and multi-project environment. Project portfolio management and program management. Project management as a profession and international cooperation in project management

Scope and time management. Schedule and project plan. Critical Path Method and Critical Chain Method

Costs and finance of the project. Project control with the use of Earned Value Method

Project organizational structure and various communication structures between people in the project team

Project management methodologies (PMBOK methodology, PRINCE2 methodology). Maturity of methodologies specialized in project management. Increasing maturity in project management

Ćwiczenia informatyczne

Work preceding the establishment of the project (the main objective of the project specifying, feasibility study connected with risk analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis, preparation of documents that start the project, such as the Specification of Critical Resources, Realization of Project Strategy Sheet, Project Order Sheet)

Start phase and managing the scope of project work in Ms Project Professional 2010

Continuing work on the project plan in the phase of structuring and management of the project duration (schedules, Gantt charts, and PERT network analysis, Critical Path and Critical Chain Method)

Project Resource Management (defining human, material and financial resources necessary to carry out project work, resource reservations for the project)

Transforming project schedule into plan by the allocation of resources to work and project cost management

Solving problems of overloaded resources and saving baseline plan

Work on the project during the implementation and completion phase (breakdown of project work into tasks completed, in progress and in the future, analysis of variances in time and costs between the actual execution of tasks and baseline plan); reports of periodic project assessment and the final report of the project

Custom work on the project (creating a user views, adding new columns to existing tables, adding columns with custom fields, the calculation in the columns with custom fields; exchange project data with other applications in order to perform more advanced calculations)

Working with multiple projects (creating a pool of resources for use in other projects; combining the tasks of different projects; building relationships between projects; creating a portfolio of projects

Work on project with the use of freeware e software OpenProj, GanttProject, Tutos


Literatura podstawowa

Chatfield C., Johnson T.: Microsoft Project 2010 Step by Step, Microsoft, 2010

A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) Fifth Edition, Project Management Institute, 2013

Berkun S.: Making Things Happen: Mastering Project Management (Theory in Practice), O’Reilly, 2008

Literatura dodatkowa

Gray C. F., Larson E. W.: Project management the managerial process, Irwin McGraw-Hill, 2006

Zajęcia w cyklu "Semestr letni 2020/2021" (zakończony)

Okres: 2021-03-08 - 2021-09-30
Wybrany podział planu:
Przejdź do planu
Typ zajęć: (brak danych)
Koordynatorzy: (brak danych)
Prowadzący grup: (brak danych)
Lista studentów: (nie masz dostępu)
Zaliczenie: Ocena zgodna z regulaminem studiów
Informacje dodatkowe:

The main emphasis will be placed on scheduling and its transformation into a complete plan that allows the designation of the budget and the gradual preparation of the required documents. Prepared plans will be reviewed in the implementation phase of the project. Traditional instruments of management and such that is built-in professional informatics system and freeware software will be used during team work on projects.

Metody dydaktyczne:

Wykład kursowy

Metody eksponujące | Pokaz

Metody podające | Wykład informacyjny

Metody podające | Wykład konwersatoryjny

Metody podające | Wykład problemowy

Ćwiczenia informatyczne

Metody eksponujące | Pokaz

Metody poszukujące | Dyskusja punktowana

Metody poszukujące | Metoda ćwiczeniowa

Metody poszukujące | Metoda projektu

Sposoby i kryteria oceniania:


jest ustalana zgodnie z algorytmem:

Ocena z formy: "Wykład kursowy" ocena * 40.00 %

+ Ocena z formy: "Ćwiczenia informatyczne" ocena * 60.00 %

Dodatkowe warunki zaliczenia przedmiotu:

In case of failing (multiply test or lab practical) must be retaken in 3 weeks time.

Active participation and presence at all class meetings (also lectures) is expected.

Required attendance at all labs. It is allowed to have only 1 unexcused absence during labs. All unattended labs must be made up for in the manner agreed upon with the tutor.

The tutor/lecturer can decline the passing of the subject in case of absences exceeded 50% of all classes in the term.

Ocena z formy "Wykład kursowy" ustalana jest w oparciu o wyniki nastepujących składników zaliczenia:

Test / quiz - 100.00%

Ocena z formy "Wykład kursowy" ustalana jest na podstawie następującej skali:

Poniżej 50.00% - ocena 2

50.00% i więcej - ocena 3

60.00% i więcej - ocena 3,5

70.00% i więcej - ocena 4

80.00% i więcej - ocena 4,5

90.00% i więcej - ocena 5

Dodatkowe warunki zaliczenia formy:

Obtaining at least 50% of the total points possible to gain during the test determines the positive assessment of the lecture.

Ocena z formy "Ćwiczenia informatyczne" ustalana jest w oparciu o wyniki nastepujących składników zaliczenia:

Zadanie / zadania praktyczne - 70.00%

Projekt / Studium przypadku - 25.00%

Prezentacja - 5.00%

Ocena z formy "Ćwiczenia informatyczne" ustalana jest na podstawie następującej skali:

Poniżej 50.00% - ocena 2

50.00% i więcej - ocena 3

60.00% i więcej - ocena 3,5

70.00% i więcej - ocena 4

80.00% i więcej - ocena 4,5

90.00% i więcej - ocena 5

Dodatkowe warunki zaliczenia formy:

Laboratory grade consist of the following components:

- 70% - grade from the practical task (correct management of the project prepared by the leading classes; writing work in Microsoft Project Professional - specialist software supporting project management) during which students manage scope, time and cost in project prepared by the lecturer; 50% of the total points possible to gain is the minimum qualifying this task,

- 25% - students are expected to prepare one additional projects during term. Project grade is calculated on the basis of supplied project documentation and the presentation,

- 5% - grade from the presentation (the scale scores for presentation - from 3 to 5 points, identified with grades from 3 to 5) of elaborated project (prepared outside of working hours for the lab in students project teams).

Treści kształcenia:

Wykład kursowy

Management by projects. The projects and their specificity. The phases and trends in the life cycle of the project. The main areas of activity in the project. The relationship between finance and project approach in carrying out changes

The complexity of the projects. Managing individual projects and multi-project environment. Project portfolio management and program management. Project management as a profession and international cooperation in project management

Scope and time management. Schedule and project plan. Critical Path Method and Critical Chain Method

Costs and finance of the project. Project control with the use of Earned Value Method

Project organizational structure and various communication structures between people in the project team

Project management methodologies (PMBOK methodology, PRINCE2 methodology). Maturity of methodologies specialized in project management. Increasing maturity in project management

Ćwiczenia informatyczne

Work preceding the establishment of the project (the main objective of the project specifying, feasibility study connected with risk analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis, preparation of documents that start the project, such as the Specification of Critical Resources, Realization of Project Strategy Sheet, Project Order Sheet)

Start phase and managing the scope of project work in Ms Project Professional 2010

Continuing work on the project plan in the phase of structuring and management of the project duration (schedules, Gantt charts, and PERT network analysis, Critical Path and Critical Chain Method)

Project Resource Management (defining human, material and financial resources necessary to carry out project work, resource reservations for the project)

Transforming project schedule into plan by the allocation of resources to work and project cost management

Solving problems of overloaded resources and saving baseline plan

Work on the project during the implementation and completion phase (breakdown of project work into tasks completed, in progress and in the future, analysis of variances in time and costs between the actual execution of tasks and baseline plan); reports of periodic project assessment and the final report of the project

Custom work on the project (creating a user views, adding new columns to existing tables, adding columns with custom fields, the calculation in the columns with custom fields; exchange project data with other applications in order to perform more advanced calculations)

Working with multiple projects (creating a pool of resources for use in other projects; combining the tasks of different projects; building relationships between projects; creating a portfolio of projects

Work on project with the use of freeware e software OpenProj, GanttProject, Tutos


Literatura dodatkowa

Chatfield C., Johnson T.: Microsoft Project 2010 Step by Step, Microsoft, 2010

A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) Fifth Edition, Project Management Institute, 2013

Berkun S.: Making Things Happen: Mastering Project Management (Theory in Practice), O’Reilly, 2008

Gray C. F., Larson E. W.: Project management the managerial process, Irwin McGraw-Hill, 2006

Zajęcia w cyklu "Semestr letni 2019/2020" (zakończony)

Okres: 2020-02-24 - 2020-09-30
Wybrany podział planu:
Przejdź do planu
Typ zajęć: (brak danych)
Koordynatorzy: (brak danych)
Prowadzący grup: (brak danych)
Lista studentów: (nie masz dostępu)
Zaliczenie: Ocena zgodna z regulaminem studiów
Czy ECTS?:


Informacje dodatkowe:

The main emphasis will be placed on scheduling and its transformation into a complete plan that allows the designation of the budget and the gradual preparation of the required documents. Prepared plans will be reviewed in the implementation phase of the project. Traditional instruments of management and such that is built-in professional informatics system and freeware software will be used during team work on projects.

Metody dydaktyczne:


Exposing methods | Show

Expository method | Information lecture

Expository method | Discussion lecture

Expository method | Problem lecture

Information technology laboratory

Exposing methods | Show

Search methods | Point awarding discussion

Search methods | Practice method

Search methods | Project method

Sposoby i kryteria oceniania:


is determined according to the algorithm:

Grade for "Lecture" grade * 40.00 %

+ Grade for "Information technology laboratory" grade * 60.00 %

Additional requirements to pass the subject:

In case of failing (multiply test or lab practical) must be retaken in 3 weeks time.

Active participation and presence at all class meetings (also lectures) is expected.

Required attendance at all labs. It is allowed to have only 1 unexcused absence during labs. All unattended labs must be made up for in the manner agreed upon with the tutor.

The tutor/lecturer can decline the passing of the subject in case of absences exceeded 50% of all classes in the term.

Grade for "Lecture" is determined on the basis of results of the following components of passing requirements:

Test/quiz - 100.00%

Grade for "Lecture" is determined according to the following point scale:

Below 50.00% - grade 2

50.00% and more - grade 3

60.00% and more - grade 3,5

70.00% and more - grade 4

80.00% and more - grade 4,5

90.00% and more - grade 5

Additional requirements to pass the form:

Obtaining at least 50% of the total points possible to gain during the test determines the positive assessment of the lecture.

Grade for "Information technology laboratory" is determined on the basis of results of the following components of passing requirements:

Assignment / practical tasks - 70.00%

Project / case study - 25.00%

Presentation - 5.00%

Grade for "Information technology laboratory" is determined according to the following point scale:

Below 50.00% - grade 2

50.00% and more - grade 3

60.00% and more - grade 3,5

70.00% and more - grade 4

80.00% and more - grade 4,5

90.00% and more - grade 5

Additional requirements to pass the form:

Laboratory grade consist of the following components:

- 70% - grade from the practical task (correct management of the project prepared by the leading classes; writing work in Microsoft Project Professional - specialist software supporting project management) during which students manage scope, time and cost in project prepared by the lecturer; 50% of the total points possible to gain is the minimum qualifying this task,

- 25% - students are expected to prepare one additional projects during term. Project grade is calculated on the basis of supplied project documentation and the presentation,

- 5% - grade from the presentation (the scale scores for presentation - from 3 to 5 points, identified with grades from 3 to 5) of elaborated project (prepared outside of working hours for the lab in students project teams).

Treści kształcenia:


Management by projects. The projects and their specificity. The phases and trends in the life cycle of the project. The main areas of activity in the project. The relationship between finance and project approach in carrying out changes

Scope and time management. Schedule and project plan. Critical Path Method and Critical Chain Method

The complexity of the projects. Managing individual projects and multi-project environment. Project portfolio management, program management., family of projects, strategic project management

Costs and finance of the project. Project control with the use of Earned Value Method

Project organizational structure and various communication structures between people in the project team

Project risk management

Quality management in project. Quality – terminology, approaches and models. The quality system of the company and the project quality plan. Quality management instruments broken down into rules, methods, and other tools

Traditional (PMBOK, PRINCE2) and agile (SCRUM) project management.

Methodology of project management co-financed from public funds

Comprehensive and fragmentary methods of project evaluation

Information technology laboratory

Work preceding the establishment of the project (the main objective of the project specifying, feasibility study connected with risk analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis, preparation of documents that start the project, such as the Specification of Critical Resources, Realization of Project Strategy Sheet, Project Order Sheet)

Start phase and managing the scope of project work in Ms Project Professional 2010

Continuing work on the project plan in the phase of structuring and management of the project duration (schedules, Gantt charts, and PERT network analysis, Critical Path and Critical Chain Method)

Project Resource Management (defining human, material and financial resources necessary to carry out project work, resource reservations for the project)

Transforming project schedule into plan by the allocation of resources to work and project cost management. Solving problems of overloaded resources and saving baseline plan

Work on the project during the implementation and completion phase (breakdown of project work into tasks completed, in progress and in the future, analysis of variances in time and costs between the actual execution of tasks and baseline plan); reports of periodic project assessment and the final report of the project

Custom work on the project (creating a user views, adding new columns to existing tables, adding columns with custom fields, the calculation in the columns with custom fields; exchange project data with other applications in order to perform more advanced calculations)

Working with multiple projects (creating a pool of resources for use in other projects; combining the tasks of different projects; building relationships between projects; creating a portfolio of projects

Case studies for the uses of project efficiency account

Work on project with the use of freeware e software OpenProj, GanttProject, Tutos


Supplementary literature

Chatfield C., Johnson T.: Microsoft Project 2010 Step by Step, Microsoft, 2010

A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) Fifth Edition, Project Management Institute, 2013

Berkun S.: Making Things Happen: Mastering Project Management (Theory in Practice), O’Reilly, 2008

Gray C. F., Larson E. W.: Project management the managerial process, Irwin McGraw-Hill, 2006

Zajęcia w cyklu "Semestr letni 2018/2019" (zakończony)

Okres: 2019-02-18 - 2019-09-30
Wybrany podział planu:
Przejdź do planu
Typ zajęć: (brak danych)
Koordynatorzy: (brak danych)
Prowadzący grup: (brak danych)
Lista studentów: (nie masz dostępu)
Zaliczenie: Ocena zgodna z regulaminem studiów
Informacje dodatkowe:

The main emphasis will be placed on scheduling and its transformation into a complete plan that allows the designation of the budget and the gradual preparation of the required documents. Prepared plans will be reviewed in the implementation phase of the project. Traditional instruments of management and such that is built-in professional informatics system and freeware software will be used during team work on projects.

Metody dydaktyczne:


Exposing methods | Show

Expository method | Information lecture

Expository method | Discussion lecture

Expository method | Problem lecture

Information technology laboratory

Exposing methods | Show

Search methods | Point awarding discussion

Search methods | Practice method

Search methods | Project method

Sposoby i kryteria oceniania:


is determined according to the algorithm:

Grade for Lecture: grade * 40.00%

+ Grade for Information technology laboratory: grade * 60.00%

Additional requirements to pass the subject:

In case of failing (multiply test or lab practical) must be retaken in 3 weeks time.

Active participation and presence at all class meetings (also lectures) is expected.

Required attendance at all labs. It is allowed to have only 1 unexcused absence during labs. All unattended labs must be made up for in the manner agreed upon with the tutor.

The tutor/lecturer can decline the passing of the subject in case of absences exceeded 50% of all classes in the term.

Grade for Lecture

determined on the basis of results of the following components of passing requirements:

multiply final choice test-40.00 %

Grade for Lecture

is determined according to the following point scale:

Below 50.00 % - grade 2

50.00 % and more - grade 3

0.00 % and more - grade 3,5

0.00 % and more - grade 4

0.00 % and more - grade 4,5

0.00 % and more - grade 5

Additional requirements to pass the form: Lecture:

Obtaining at least 50% of the total points possible to gain during the test determines the positive assessment of the lecture.

Grade for Information technology laboratory

determined on the basis of results of the following components of passing requirements:

Practical task-70.00 %

Project-25.00 %

Presentation-5.00 %

Grade for Information technology laboratory

is determined according to the following point scale:

Below 50.00 % - grade 2

50.00 % and more - grade 3

0.00 % and more - grade 3,5

0.00 % and more - grade 4

0.00 % and more - grade 4,5

0.00 % and more - grade 5

Additional requirements to pass the form: Information technology laboratory:

Laboratory grade consist of the following components:

- 70% - grade from the practical task (correct management of the project prepared by the leading classes; writing work in Microsoft Project Professional - specialist software supporting project management) during which students manage scope, time and cost in project prepared by the lecturer; 50% of the total points possible to gain is the minimum qualifying this task,

- 25% - students are expected to prepare one additional projects during term. Project grade is calculated on the basis of supplied project documentation and the presentation,

- 5% - grade from the presentation (the scale scores for presentation - from 3 to 5 points, identified with grades from 3 to 5) of elaborated project (prepared outside of working hours for the lab in students project teams).

Treści kształcenia:


Management by projects. The projects and their specificity. The phases and trends in the life cycle of the project. The main areas of activity in the project. The relationship between finance and project approach in carrying out changes

The complexity of the projects. Managing individual projects and multi-project environment. Project portfolio management and program management. Project management as a profession and international cooperation in project management

Scope and time management. Schedule and project plan. Critical Path Method and Critical Chain Method

Costs and finance of the project. Project control with the use of Earned Value Method

Project organizational structure and various communication structures between people in the project team

Project risk management

Quality management in project. Quality – terminology, approaches and models. The quality system of the company and the project quality plan. Quality management instruments broken down into rules, methods, and other tools

Project management methodologies (PMBOK methodology, PRINCE2 methodology). Maturity of methodologies specialized in project management. Increasing maturity in project management

Methodology of project management co-financed from public funds

Project evaluation and its types. Efficiency, effectiveness, economy and utility of projects

Repetition of materials and preparation to the lecture credit

Information technology laboratory

Work preceding the establishment of the project (the main objective of the project specifying, feasibility study connected with risk analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis, preparation of documents that start the project, such as the Specification of Critical Resources, Realization of Project Strategy Sheet, Project Order Sheet)

Start phase and managing the scope of project work in Ms Project Professional 2010

Continuing work on the project plan in the phase of structuring and management of the project duration (schedules, Gantt charts, and PERT network analysis, Critical Path and Critical Chain Method)

Project Resource Management (defining human, material and financial resources necessary to carry out project work, resource reservations for the project)

Transforming project schedule into plan by the allocation of resources to work and project cost management

Solving problems of overloaded resources and saving baseline plan

Work on the project during the implementation and completion phase (breakdown of project work into tasks completed, in progress and in the future, analysis of variances in time and costs between the actual execution of tasks and baseline plan); reports of periodic project assessment and the final report of the project

Custom work on the project (creating a user views, adding new columns to existing tables, adding columns with custom fields, the calculation in the columns with custom fields; exchange project data with other applications in order to perform more advanced calculations)

Working with multiple projects (creating a pool of resources for use in other projects; combining the tasks of different projects; building relationships between projects; creating a portfolio of projects

Work on project with the use of freeware e software OpenProj, GanttProject, Tutos


Basic literature

Materials prepared by tutors (in terms of the laboratory).

Supplementary literature

Chatfield C., Johnson T.: Microsoft Project 2010 Step by Step, Microsoft, 2010

A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) Fifth Edition, Project Management Institute, 2013

3.Berkun S.: Making Things Happen: Mastering Project Management (Theory in Practice), O’Reilly, 2008

4.Gray C. F., Larson E. W.: Project management the managerial process, Irwin McGraw-Hill, 2006

Zajęcia w cyklu "Semestr letni 2017/2018" (zakończony)

Okres: 2018-02-19 - 2018-09-30
Wybrany podział planu:
Przejdź do planu
Typ zajęć:
Ćwiczenia informatyczne, 30 godzin więcej informacji
Wykład, 30 godzin więcej informacji
Koordynatorzy: Anna Kaczorowska
Prowadzący grup: Anna Kaczorowska, Jacek Karaś, Maciej Szmit
Lista studentów: (nie masz dostępu)
Zaliczenie: Przedmiot - Ocena zgodna z regulaminem studiów
Ćwiczenia informatyczne - Ocena zgodna z regulaminem studiów
Wykład - Ocena zgodna z regulaminem studiów
Czy ECTS?:


Zajęcia w cyklu "Semestr zimowy 2017/2018" (zakończony)

Okres: 2017-10-01 - 2018-02-09
Wybrany podział planu:
Przejdź do planu
Typ zajęć:
Ćwiczenia informatyczne, 30 godzin więcej informacji
Wykład, 30 godzin więcej informacji
Koordynatorzy: (brak danych)
Prowadzący grup: (brak danych)
Lista studentów: (nie masz dostępu)
Zaliczenie: Przedmiot - Ocena zgodna z regulaminem studiów
Ćwiczenia informatyczne - Ocena zgodna z regulaminem studiów
Wykład - Ocena zgodna z regulaminem studiów
Czy ECTS?:


Informacje dodatkowe:

The main emphasis will be placed on scheduling and its transformation into a complete plan that allows the designation of the budget and the gradual preparation of the required documents. Prepared plans will be reviewed in the implementation phase of the project. Traditional instruments of management and such that is built-in professional informatics system and freeware software will be used during team work on projects.

Metody dydaktyczne:


Exposing methods | Show

Expository method | Information lecture

Expository method | Discussion lecture

Expository method | Problem lecture

Information technology laboratory

Exposing methods | Show

Search methods | Point awarding discussion

Search methods | Practice method

Search methods | Project method

Sposoby i kryteria oceniania:


is determined according to the algorithm:

Grade for Lecture: grade * 40.00%

+ Grade for Information technology laboratory: grade * 60.00%

Additional requirements to pass the subject:

In case of failing (multiply test or lab practical) must be retaken in 3 weeks time.

Active participation and presence at all class meetings (also lectures) is expected.

Required attendance at all labs. It is allowed to have only 1 unexcused absence during labs. All unattended labs must be made up for in the manner agreed upon with the tutor.

The tutor/lecturer can decline the passing of the subject in case of absences exceeded 50% of all classes in the term.

Grade for Lecture

determined on the basis of results of the following components of passing requirements:

multiply final choice test-40.00 %

Grade for Lecture

is determined according to the following point scale:

Below 50.00 % - grade 2

50.00 % and more - grade 3

0.00 % and more - grade 3,5

0.00 % and more - grade 4

0.00 % and more - grade 4,5

0.00 % and more - grade 5

Additional requirements to pass the form: Lecture:

Obtaining at least 50% of the total points possible to gain during the test determines the positive assessment of the lecture.

Grade for Information technology laboratory

determined on the basis of results of the following components of passing requirements:

Practical task-70.00 %

Project-25.00 %

Presentation-5.00 %

Grade for Information technology laboratory

is determined according to the following point scale:

Below 50.00 % - grade 2

50.00 % and more - grade 3

0.00 % and more - grade 3,5

0.00 % and more - grade 4

0.00 % and more - grade 4,5

0.00 % and more - grade 5

Additional requirements to pass the form: Information technology laboratory:

Laboratory grade consist of the following components:

- 70% - grade from the practical task (correct management of the project prepared by the leading classes; writing work in Microsoft Project Professional - specialist software supporting project management) during which students manage scope, time and cost in project prepared by the lecturer; 50% of the total points possible to gain is the minimum qualifying this task,

- 25% - students are expected to prepare one additional projects during term. Project grade is calculated on the basis of supplied project documentation and the presentation,

- 5% - grade from the presentation (the scale scores for presentation - from 3 to 5 points, identified with grades from 3 to 5) of elaborated project (prepared outside of working hours for the lab in students project teams).

Treści kształcenia:


Management by projects. The projects and their specificity. The phases and trends in the life cycle of the project. The main areas of activity in the project. The relationship between finance and project approach in carrying out changes

The complexity of the projects. Managing individual projects and multi-project environment. Project portfolio management and program management. Project management as a profession and international cooperation in project management

Scope and time management. Schedule and project plan. Critical Path Method and Critical Chain Method

Costs and finance of the project. Project control with the use of Earned Value Method

Project organizational structure and various communication structures between people in the project team

Project risk management

Quality management in project. Quality – terminology, approaches and models. The quality system of the company and the project quality plan. Quality management instruments broken down into rules, methods, and other tools

Project management methodologies (PMBOK methodology, PRINCE2 methodology). Maturity of methodologies specialized in project management. Increasing maturity in project management

Methodology of project management co-financed from public funds

Project evaluation and its types. Efficiency, effectiveness, economy and utility of projects

Repetition of materials and preparation to the lecture credit

Information technology laboratory

Work preceding the establishment of the project (the main objective of the project specifying, feasibility study connected with risk analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis, preparation of documents that start the project, such as the Specification of Critical Resources, Realization of Project Strategy Sheet, Project Order Sheet)

Start phase and managing the scope of project work in Ms Project Professional 2010

Continuing work on the project plan in the phase of structuring and management of the project duration (schedules, Gantt charts, and PERT network analysis, Critical Path and Critical Chain Method)

Project Resource Management (defining human, material and financial resources necessary to carry out project work, resource reservations for the project)

Transforming project schedule into plan by the allocation of resources to work and project cost management

Solving problems of overloaded resources and saving baseline plan

Work on the project during the implementation and completion phase (breakdown of project work into tasks completed, in progress and in the future, analysis of variances in time and costs between the actual execution of tasks and baseline plan); reports of periodic project assessment and the final report of the project

Custom work on the project (creating a user views, adding new columns to existing tables, adding columns with custom fields, the calculation in the columns with custom fields; exchange project data with other applications in order to perform more advanced calculations)

Working with multiple projects (creating a pool of resources for use in other projects; combining the tasks of different projects; building relationships between projects; creating a portfolio of projects

Work on project with the use of freeware e software OpenProj, GanttProject, Tutos


Basic literature

Materials prepared by tutors (in terms of the laboratory).

Supplementary literature

Chatfield C., Johnson T.: Microsoft Project 2010 Step by Step, Microsoft, 2010

A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) Fifth Edition, Project Management Institute, 2013

3.Berkun S.: Making Things Happen: Mastering Project Management (Theory in Practice), O’Reilly, 2008

4.Gray C. F., Larson E. W.: Project management the managerial process, Irwin McGraw-Hill, 2006

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