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International Humanitarian Law

General data

Course ID: 0500-ERAS93
Erasmus code / ISCED: (unknown) / (unknown)
Course title: International Humanitarian Law
Name in Polish: International Humanitarian Law
Organizational unit: Faculty of Law and Administration
Course groups: (in Polish) Courses in foreign language for Erasmus programme students - Summer
ECTS credit allocation (and other scores): 0 OR 4.00 (depends on study program) Basic information on ECTS credits allocation principles:
  • the annual hourly workload of the student’s work required to achieve the expected learning outcomes for a given stage is 1500-1800h, corresponding to 60 ECTS;
  • the student’s weekly hourly workload is 45 h;
  • 1 ECTS point corresponds to 25-30 hours of student work needed to achieve the assumed learning outcomes;
  • weekly student workload necessary to achieve the assumed learning outcomes allows to obtain 1.5 ECTS;
  • work required to pass the course, which has been assigned 3 ECTS, constitutes 10% of the semester student load.

view allocation of credits
Language: (unknown)

(in Polish) No prerequisitions

Short description:

The international law of humanitarian armed conflict is an area of ​​international law applicable in time of an armed conflict. The aim of the lecture is to familiarize the listener with the structure, the scope of application, as well as the normative and historical foundations and their transformations since the first Geneva Convention of 1864.

Learning outcomes: (in Polish)

Evaluation based on :

- participation in clases; - 5%

- activity and disscusion; - 70%

- home exam (essay) – 25%,


a) The overall historical framework of the International Humanitarian Law;

b) The understanding of the ‘armed conflict’ definition;

c) The applicability of the International Humanitarian Law;

d) Distinction between the ‘Hague Law’ and ‘Geneva Law’

e) The binding principles and rules of the International Humanitarian Law: distinction, proportionality, humanity, military necessity, prohibition of unnecessary suffering and superfluous injury;

f) The legal architecture of the civilian population protection in times of armed conflict;

g) Protection of the hors de combat;

h) Basics concerning the legal regime binding the in different dimension of warfare;

i) Law governing the conduct of hostilities;

j) International Humanitarian Law and the choice of weaponry;

k) Landmark jurisprudence regarding the International Humanitarian Law;

l) Interplay between International Humanitarian Law and other branches of international law;


a) Ability to research data relevant in the context of International Humanitarian Law;

b) Ability to independently access sources to the treaties, manuals and other documents relevant for International Humanitarian Law applicability;

c) Understand the delicacy of the International Humanitarian Law as a ‘balancing platform’ between the realities of warfare and humanitarian considerations;

d) Contemplate the contemporary course of combat in high-tensions zones (e.g. Syria or Afganistan);

Name of courses:

1. The history of the International Humanitarian Law;

2. The sources of the International Humanitarian Law;

3. The scope of the International Humanitarian Law (material, temporal, geographical);

4. The general guiding principles of the International Humanitarian Law;

5. The status of combatant, protected persons, civilians and hors de combat;

6. Protection of the civilian population;

7. The law of land warfare;

8. The law of naval warfare;

9. The law of air warfare;

10. The law of cyber warfare;

11. The International Humanitarian Law and new technologies;

12. International Humanitarian Law and human rights law;

13. Development of the International Humanitarian Law by jurisprudence;

14. Enforcement of the International Humanitarian Law;


1. F. Kaslhoven. L. Zegveld, Constrains on the Waging of War: An Introduction to International Humanitarian Law, Geneva 2001.

2. D. Fleck, The Handbook of International Humanitarian Law, Oxford 1995, 2013.

3. H-P. Gasser, International Humanitarian Law: An Introduction, Vienna 1993.

4. R. Bierzanek, Wojna a prawo międzynarodowe, Warszawa 1982.

Classes in period "Summer Semester 2024/2025" (future)

Time span: 2025-03-03 - 2025-09-30
Selected timetable range:
Navigate to timetable
Type of class:
Discussion class, 20 hours, 20 places more information
Coordinators: Mateusz Piątkowski
Group instructors: Mateusz Piątkowski
Students list: (inaccessible to you)
Examination: (in Polish) Ocena zgodna z regulaminem studiów
(in Polish) Czy ECTS?:

(in Polish) T

(in Polish) Czy kurs na PZK?:

(in Polish) T

Additional Information:

(in Polish) Extra materials, including presentations are available on

Liczba punktów ECTS określona jest w planie studiów (siatce godzin), dostępnym na stronie internetowej Wydziału Studiów Międzynarodowych i Politologicznych Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego

(in Polish) Czy IRK BWZ?:

(in Polish) T

Teaching Method:

(in Polish) Seminar-style online lecture with a case study, suplemented with the analysis of cases concerning the pratical applicability of the international humanitarian law, including the commentary regarding the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

Method and Criteria of Assessment:

(in Polish) The final degree is based on student`s activity or essay. For being active in discussion during the lecture, the student will receive 1 point.

To pass the subject the student need to collect 2 points.


5 (A) very good - outstanding performance, without substantial and formal errors (but single minor formal imperfections are acceptable)

4+ (B) better than good – performance above the average standard but with some errors

4 (C) good – sound performance but with a number of notable errors

3+ (D) better than sufficient – average performance, fair but with significant shortcomings

3 (E) sufficient - performance meets the minimum criteria

2 (F) unsatisfactory (fail) – performance shows fundamental shortcomings and does not meet the minimum standard

(in Polish) Metody weryfikacji i oceny stopnia osiągnięcia założonych efektów uczenia się:

(in Polish) The final degree is based on student`s activity or essay. For being active in discussion during the lecture, the student will receive 1 point.

To pass the subject the student need to collect 2 points.

Course Content:

(in Polish) 1. The history of the International Humanitarian Law;

2. The sources of the International Humanitarian Law;

3. The scope of the International Humanitarian Law (material, temporal, geographical);

4. The general guiding principles of the International Humanitarian Law;

5. The status of combatant, protected persons, civilians and hors de combat;

6. Protection of the civilian population;

7. The law of land warfare;

8. The law of naval warfare;

9. The law of air warfare;

10. The law of cyber warfare;

11. The International Humanitarian Law and new technologies;

12. International Humanitarian Law and human rights law;

13. Development of the International Humanitarian Law by jurisprudence;

14. Enforcement of the International Humanitarian Law;

Bibliography: (in Polish)

1. F. Kaslhoven. L. Zegveld, Constrains on the Waging of War: An Introduction to International Humanitarian Law, Geneva 2001.

2. D. Fleck, The Handbook of International Humanitarian Law, Oxford 1995, 2013.

3. H-P. Gasser, International Humanitarian Law: An Introduction, Vienna 1993.

4. R. Bierzanek, Wojna a prawo międzynarodowe, Warszawa 1982.

Classes in period "Summer Semester 2023/2024" (past)

Time span: 2024-02-26 - 2024-09-30
Selected timetable range:
Navigate to timetable
Type of class:
Discussion class, 20 hours, 20 places more information
Coordinators: Mateusz Piątkowski
Group instructors: Mateusz Piątkowski
Students list: (inaccessible to you)
Examination: (in Polish) Ocena zgodna z regulaminem studiów
(in Polish) Czy kurs na PZK?:

(in Polish) T

Additional Information:

(in Polish) Extra materials, including presentations are available on

Liczba punktów ECTS określona jest w planie studiów (siatce godzin), dostępnym na stronie internetowej Wydziału Studiów Międzynarodowych i Politologicznych Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego

(in Polish) Czy IRK BWZ?:

(in Polish) T

Teaching Method:

(in Polish) Seminar-style online lecture with a case study, suplemented with the analysis of cases concerning the pratical applicability of the international humanitarian law, including the commentary regarding the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

Method and Criteria of Assessment:

(in Polish) The final degree is based on student`s activity or essay. For being active in discussion during the lecture, the student will receive 1 point.

To pass the subject the student need to collect 2 points.


5 (A) very good - outstanding performance, without substantial and formal errors (but single minor formal imperfections are acceptable)

4+ (B) better than good – performance above the average standard but with some errors

4 (C) good – sound performance but with a number of notable errors

3+ (D) better than sufficient – average performance, fair but with significant shortcomings

3 (E) sufficient - performance meets the minimum criteria

2 (F) unsatisfactory (fail) – performance shows fundamental shortcomings and does not meet the minimum standard

(in Polish) Metody weryfikacji i oceny stopnia osiągnięcia założonych efektów uczenia się:

(in Polish) The final degree is based on student`s activity or essay. For being active in discussion during the lecture, the student will receive 1 point.

To pass the subject the student need to collect 2 points.

Course Content:

(in Polish) 1. The history of the International Humanitarian Law;

2. The sources of the International Humanitarian Law;

3. The scope of the International Humanitarian Law (material, temporal, geographical);

4. The general guiding principles of the International Humanitarian Law;

5. The status of combatant, protected persons, civilians and hors de combat;

6. Protection of the civilian population;

7. The law of land warfare;

8. The law of naval warfare;

9. The law of air warfare;

10. The law of cyber warfare;

11. The International Humanitarian Law and new technologies;

12. International Humanitarian Law and human rights law;

13. Development of the International Humanitarian Law by jurisprudence;

14. Enforcement of the International Humanitarian Law;

Bibliography: (in Polish)

1. F. Kaslhoven. L. Zegveld, Constrains on the Waging of War: An Introduction to International Humanitarian Law, Geneva 2001.

2. D. Fleck, The Handbook of International Humanitarian Law, Oxford 1995, 2013.

3. H-P. Gasser, International Humanitarian Law: An Introduction, Vienna 1993.

4. R. Bierzanek, Wojna a prawo międzynarodowe, Warszawa 1982.

Classes in period "Summer Semester 2022/2023" (past)

Time span: 2023-02-20 - 2023-09-30
Selected timetable range:
Navigate to timetable
Type of class:
Discussion class, 20 hours more information
Coordinators: Mateusz Piątkowski
Group instructors: Mateusz Piątkowski
Students list: (inaccessible to you)
Examination: (in Polish) Ocena zgodna z regulaminem studiów
(in Polish) Czy kurs na PZK?:

(in Polish) T

Additional Information:

(in Polish) Extra materials, including presentations are available on

Liczba punktów ECTS określona jest w planie studiów (siatce godzin), dostępnym na stronie internetowej Wydziału Studiów Międzynarodowych i Politologicznych Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego

(in Polish) Czy IRK BWZ?:

(in Polish) T

Teaching Method:

(in Polish) Seminar-style online lecture with a case study, suplemented with the analysis of cases concerning the pratical applicability of the international humanitarian law, including the commentary regarding the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

Method and Criteria of Assessment:

(in Polish) The final degree is based on student`s activity or essay. For being active in discussion during the lecture, the student will receive 1 point.

To pass the subject the student need to collect 2 points.


5 (A) very good - outstanding performance, without substantial and formal errors (but single minor formal imperfections are acceptable)

4+ (B) better than good – performance above the average standard but with some errors

4 (C) good – sound performance but with a number of notable errors

3+ (D) better than sufficient – average performance, fair but with significant shortcomings

3 (E) sufficient - performance meets the minimum criteria

2 (F) unsatisfactory (fail) – performance shows fundamental shortcomings and does not meet the minimum standard

Course Content:

(in Polish) 1. The history of the International Humanitarian Law;

2. The sources of the International Humanitarian Law;

3. The scope of the International Humanitarian Law (material, temporal, geographical);

4. The general guiding principles of the International Humanitarian Law;

5. The status of combatant, protected persons, civilians and hors de combat;

6. Protection of the civilian population;

7. The law of land warfare;

8. The law of naval warfare;

9. The law of air warfare;

10. The law of cyber warfare;

11. The International Humanitarian Law and new technologies;

12. International Humanitarian Law and human rights law;

13. Development of the International Humanitarian Law by jurisprudence;

14. Enforcement of the International Humanitarian Law;

Bibliography: (in Polish)

1. F. Kaslhoven. L. Zegveld, Constrains on the Waging of War: An Introduction to International Humanitarian Law, Geneva 2001.

2. D. Fleck, The Handbook of International Humanitarian Law, Oxford 1995, 2013.

3. H-P. Gasser, International Humanitarian Law: An Introduction, Vienna 1993.

4. R. Bierzanek, Wojna a prawo międzynarodowe, Warszawa 1982.

Classes in period "Summer Semester 2021/2022" (past)

Time span: 2022-02-21 - 2022-09-30
Selected timetable range:
Navigate to timetable
Type of class:
Discussion class, 20 hours more information
Coordinators: Mateusz Piątkowski
Group instructors: Mateusz Piątkowski
Students list: (inaccessible to you)
Examination: (in Polish) Ocena zgodna z regulaminem studiów
Additional Information:

(in Polish) Extra materials, including presentations are available on

Liczba punktów ECTS określona jest w planie studiów (siatce godzin), dostępnym na stronie internetowej Wydziału Studiów Międzynarodowych i Politologicznych Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego

(in Polish) Czy IRK BWZ?:

(in Polish) T

Teaching Method:

(in Polish) Seminar-style online lecture with a case study, suplemented with the analysis of cases concerning the pratical applicability of the international humanitarian law.

Method and Criteria of Assessment:

(in Polish) The final degree is based on student`s activity or open book exam. For being active in discussion during the lecture, the student will receive 1 point.

To pass the subject the student need to collect 2 points.


5 (A) very good - outstanding performance, without substantial and formal errors (but single minor formal imperfections are acceptable)

4+ (B) better than good – performance above the average standard but with some errors

4 (C) good – sound performance but with a number of notable errors

3+ (D) better than sufficient – average performance, fair but with significant shortcomings

3 (E) sufficient - performance meets the minimum criteria

2 (F) unsatisfactory (fail) – performance shows fundamental shortcomings and does not meet the minimum standard

Course Content:

(in Polish) 1. The history of the International Humanitarian Law;

2. The sources of the International Humanitarian Law;

3. The scope of the International Humanitarian Law (material, temporal, geographical);

4. The general guiding principles of the International Humanitarian Law;

5. The status of combatant, protected persons, civilians and hors de combat;

6. Protection of the civilian population;

7. The law of land warfare;

8. The law of naval warfare;

9. The law of air warfare;

10. The law of cyber warfare;

11. The International Humanitarian Law and new technologies;

12. International Humanitarian Law and human rights law;

13. Development of the International Humanitarian Law by jurisprudence;

14. Enforcement of the International Humanitarian Law;

Bibliography: (in Polish)

1. F. Kaslhoven. L. Zegveld, Constrains on the Waging of War: An Introduction to International Humanitarian Law, Geneva 2001.

2. D. Fleck, The Handbook of International Humanitarian Law, Oxford 1995, 2013.

3. H-P. Gasser, International Humanitarian Law: An Introduction, Vienna 1993.

4. R. Bierzanek, Wojna a prawo międzynarodowe, Warszawa 1982.

Classes in period "Summer Semester 2020/2021" (past)

Time span: 2021-03-08 - 2021-09-30
Selected timetable range:
Navigate to timetable
Type of class:
Discussion class, 20 hours more information
Coordinators: Mateusz Piątkowski
Group instructors: Mateusz Piątkowski
Students list: (inaccessible to you)
Examination: (in Polish) Ocena zgodna z regulaminem studiów
Additional Information:

(in Polish) Extra materials, including presentations are available on

Liczba punktów ECTS określona jest w planie studiów (siatce godzin), dostępnym na stronie internetowej Wydziału Studiów Międzynarodowych i Politologicznych Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego

(in Polish) Czy IRK BWZ?:

(in Polish) T

Teaching Method:

(in Polish) Seminar-style online lecture with a case study, suplemented with the analysis of cases concerning the pratical applicability of the international humanitarian law.

Method and Criteria of Assessment:

(in Polish) The final degree is based on student`s activity or open book exam. For being active in discussion during the lecture, the student will receive 1 point.

To pass the subject the student need to collect 2 points.


5 (A) very good - outstanding performance, without substantial and formal errors (but single minor formal imperfections are acceptable)

4+ (B) better than good – performance above the average standard but with some errors

4 (C) good – sound performance but with a number of notable errors

3+ (D) better than sufficient – average performance, fair but with significant shortcomings

3 (E) sufficient - performance meets the minimum criteria

2 (F) unsatisfactory (fail) – performance shows fundamental shortcomings and does not meet the minimum standard

Course Content:

(in Polish) 1. The history of the International Humanitarian Law;

2. The sources of the International Humanitarian Law;

3. The scope of the International Humanitarian Law (material, temporal, geographical);

4. The general guiding principles of the International Humanitarian Law;

5. The status of combatant, protected persons, civilians and hors de combat;

6. Protection of the civilian population;

7. The law of land warfare;

8. The law of naval warfare;

9. The law of air warfare;

10. The law of cyber warfare;

11. The International Humanitarian Law and new technologies;

12. International Humanitarian Law and human rights law;

13. Development of the International Humanitarian Law by jurisprudence;

14. Enforcement of the International Humanitarian Law;

Bibliography: (in Polish)

1. F. Kaslhoven. L. Zegveld, Constrains on the Waging of War: An Introduction to International Humanitarian Law, Geneva 2001.

2. D. Fleck, The Handbook of International Humanitarian Law, Oxford 1995, 2013.

3. H-P. Gasser, International Humanitarian Law: An Introduction, Vienna 1993.

4. R. Bierzanek, Wojna a prawo międzynarodowe, Warszawa 1982.

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