UNIWERSYTET ŁÓDZKI - Centralny System Uwierzytelniania
Strona główna

Przedmioty w rejestracji MF full time first cycle: registration for elective course internal 0800-20-DLMF2-PK

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zarejestrowany - jesteś pomyślnie zarejestrowany (i nie możesz się wyrejestrować)
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L-20/21 - Semestr letni 2020/2021
(zajęcia mogą być semestralne, trymestralne lub roczne)
Zajęcia przedmiotu
Semestr letni 2020/2021
  • Ćwiczenia - 45 godzin
  • Wykład - 17 godzin
Grupy przedmiotu

Skrócony opis

The course Portfolio Management focuses on major issues currently of concern to investors. It examines investments and portfolio management from both a theoretical and practical perspective. Emphasis is placed on the development of a set of skills and competencies

needed to succeed as an investment professional, especially those related to investment analysis and portfolio formation and management. Topics covered include portfolio and capital market theory, asset pricing, valuation of financial assets (equities, fixed income securities, options and futures), efficient markets theory, portfolio creation, performance measurement, and other aspects of portfolio management.

Strona przedmiotu
Zajęcia przedmiotu
Semestr letni 2020/2021
Grupy przedmiotu

Skrócony opis

The aim of this course is to learn specifics of projects, to identify the project management as one of the most effective approaches for carrying out the changes to the organizations of various kinds, and to encourage to the use of appropriately selected IT tools of project management.

Strona przedmiotu
Zajęcia przedmiotu
Semestr letni 2020/2021
  • Ćwiczenia - 36 godzin
  • Wykład - 30 godzin
Grupy przedmiotu

Skrócony opis

Activities in the field of Public Relations are now directed at creating the appropriate business relationships - the environment , indicating that good communication between the company and other market participants - with particular emphasis on customers is one of the major factors in its success. For the creation of appropriate relations organizations use primarily public relations activities . Unquestionable effectiveness and popularity of these actions causes that they meet with great interest of many companies. Expenditures for PR are equal to investment spending .

During the course, emphasis will be placed to indicate the optimal solutions to create the image of the company. Activities will be implemented through both lectures forming a strong base of theoretical and workshops ( training ) in order to identify the real effective market solutions in the field of the subject.

Strona przedmiotu
Zajęcia przedmiotu
Semestr letni 2020/2021
Grupy przedmiotu

Skrócony opis

The first and major goal of this course is to give the students an idea how Information Systems support finance and management. The functionality and advantages of modern ERP class system will be presented using available applications (SAP ERP).

Strona przedmiotu
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